Effect of Grouper Fish Population in the
Actually you can find grouper fish population spread at various areas
all around the world. But usually every species of grouper fish likes to choose
their own area where they populate and grow. That is why; every species of
grouper fish might populate different area in the world. Nevertheless, most of
them will populate certain place in those areas. For example the grouper fish
juvenile will populate places in those areas that are closer to the shore. The
reason is they will be able to stay on the sea grass bed or on the tidal pool
and use it as their hiding place while growing to become adult grouper fish. While
populating these places, they will eat small creatures that they can found on
the sea water for example small crustaceans, microalgae, and even plankton.
Meanwhile the adult grouper fish will
populate places that are deeper such as the bottom of the sea. You can also
found grouper fish population spread in the
tropical as well as subtropical places around the world but most of the time,
their population is around the coral reef area. You should also know that for
mostly the grouper fish would stay in their individual hideout and would not
spread in school. The only time when you can find them gathered around in large
school is on their reproduction time. Usually they will populate places where
they can find a lot of other sea fishes that they can feed on such as snapper,
wrasse, damselfish, and parrotfish. They will also feed on other sea creature
that they can find while staying in that area such as octopus, crustaceans,
crab and lobster.
You can find significant grouper fish population growth as this fish likes
to stay in the same place in very long period. The reason might be because they
are not fast swimmer and they cannot cover long distance traveling. That is
why; all they do is to hide in their spot and wait for their pray to come
closer so they can ambush them with their powerful and strong jaw. However,
there are several grouper species that display unique behavior by following eel
when it goes to forage the bottom of the sea. This behavior is done so they can
feed on the small fish and even crustacean that tries to run away from the eel
that forage their hiding place.
Usually the grouper
fish population decrease will happen when there are a lot of predators
in their area. Some of their natural predators are barracuda, sandbar shark, hammerhead
shark, moray eels, and king mackerel. So in order to avoid those predators they
will stay hidden for most of their live. They also develop unique ability which
allows them to change the color of their body which will surely give them a lot
of advantage when hiding. The color change can also be done very fast so their
body will match with the color of the environment where they currently hiding. This
change is also done by the change on their mood. When they get attacked by the
predators, they will go into holes that cannot be reached by those predators.
Then they will quickly change the color of their body for camouflage.
There will be large grouper fish population increase when it time for their
reproduction time which happen in the winter season at the full moon. This also
caused by the sudden change on their behavior as they usually hide but then
coming out in this reproduction time. Then they will form very large school in
this reproduction time which sometimes can even reach 100,000 amounts of
grouper fish in one school. This method is done so they can increase their
population by increasing the success probability of their mating. Then when the
spawn is done by large amount of grouper fish at once, this also means that the
survival chance for their spawn will also increase which in the end will also
increase their population.
This is important as the female grouper fish population will only spawn one
time in a year period. This may be another problem if they are not protogynous
hermaphrodite. However since they have this unique behavior, then this would
not really affect their population. But if you take note only on the juvenile
state of the grouper fish, then you will notice that most of the population
will consist of female. This is understandable as they can later transform into
male grouper once they grow larger. The female grouper fish will spawn one or
two time before they might transform into male grouper. This is also happen
when the male population decrease significantly which makes them have to
Actually the grouper population itself
plays very important role in the reef population where they reside. Enough
grouper population will ensure that other sea fish would not go in rage and it
will also control several other fish population so it would not get too
overpopulate the area. This is why it is important to study
grouper fish population statistic well if you want to know more about
the important of their role in the other fish population. And it is also
important to ensure that their population to stay stabile.